Selwyn-Rakaia Vets Ltd
Selwyn Rakaia Vets Ltd is a locally owned veterinary business servicing predominantly dairy farms in Canterbury. Our team of staff include veterinarians, rural animal technicians, vet nurses and administration staff.
This life-threatening condition can easily be prevented by providing plenty of drinking water and a cool place to sleep in, among other things.
Maintaining a normal body temperature is vital for life. Cats and dogs naturally run hotter than humans at 38-39°C. If too cold (hypothermia) or too hot (hyperthermia), the body stops functioning properly.
Heat stroke is hyperthermia, a life-threatening condition where your cat or dog’s body temperature increases above 40°C. This can quickly become an emergency, leading to organ failure and death.
Depending on the severity, common signs include:
If you suspect your pet is overheating, please act quickly to help cool them down by:
Acting quickly is vital - heat stroke is life-threatening for your pet.
Cats and dogs only have a few sweat glands, just on their paws and noses. They rely heavily on panting and a cool environment to prevent over-heating, rather than sweating. In contrast, humans have sweat glands all over our bodies and rely heavily on sweating to bring down our internal temperature.
As our pets' cooling mechanism differs from ours, we can’t take for granted they will cool down on their own.
To cool down a hot cat:
For hot dogs, we recommend:
Keep your cool and enjoy a safe summer season with your beloved pets.